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Are you thinking about toilet training your child?

  • Are you feeling that you child has hit the 'right'age?

  • Do you know other kids the same age who are out of nappies?

  • Is your child progressing levels in daycare, or starting kindy, and needs to be out of nappies?

  • Are you sick of the cost of disposable nappies or washing cloth nappies?

Children need help to learn how to recognise the need to go, and how to use the toilet – it’s not something that they will learn on their own. But many parents feel anxious about starting toilet training. Knowing when to start, what to do, what you’ll need and what is “normal” is difficult. There is information available – but it can be overwhelming to know what to trust. Do you seek help from other parents, grandparents, online forums, books, or do whatever the daycare does? Does a regimented 4-day program really suit all families? Did you read the blog about all the mistakes that parents make in toilet training? Will you ever be able to leave the house again without fear of having accidents wherever you go?

Wouldn't you prefer to feel prepared and confident ?

We want you to feel empowered to toilet train in a way that supports your child’s needs.

We want you to have reliable information to help you decide which approach best suits you and your child.

We want you to have help with some common problems you may encounter.

We want you to have access to alternatives, when things don’t go to plan.

Get the help you need.

You can now access our Mars Clinic expertise online to help you succeed in toilet training.

Brought to you by the Children's Continence Experts

The Mars Clinic is run by physiotherapists experienced with children’s bladder and bowel conditions, in consultation with a network of doctors and paediatric specialists. Established in 2008, we are Australia’s premier children’s continence clinic, providing investigations and diagnosis, therapy and access to leading edge technologies. Our physical clinics are based in South East Queensland.

Every day in our clinic we help kids and their families with some pretty complex continence problems – and a lot of the information and support we provide would be just as useful for parents and kids at the start of their toilet training journey. And if we can help to prevent problems arising in the first place, then that’s going to be best for kids, families and our communities. We believe that every child is different, and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

What’s inside?

Our Mars Clinic Toilet Training Program will give you the information

you need to feel confident and prepared to support your child to learn to use the toilet.

Inside you’ll find 16 informative topics, brought to you by our team of professionals –

the useful, detailed information, not just the headlines.

Some of our topics include:

  • When to start toilet training

  • Whether to use a toilet or potty

  • What to do on the first day of toilet training

  • Using rewards or not

  • What to do when things aren't going to plan - frequently asked questions and common challenges

Useful, detailed and practical information – not just the headlines.

You can trust the Mars Clinic professionals to bring you the information that you need. Our content is based on research evidence, advanced health professional education and more than 10 years of experience working with parents and kids.

  • Video information from our experienced professionals

  • Key action steps to complete

  • Useful downloads including our checklists, child-friendly visual toilet steps, rewards charts

  • Access to our Mars Clinic animation for you to share with your child

Progress at your own pace and quickly find the information you need.

We know you’re busy. That you may only get quick snippets of time while you’re looking after your family, home or work and that you don’t want to listen to someone drone on for hours without a break.

We’ve designed this with you in mind. Our topics are bite-sized, get straight to the point and it’s easy to jump to the information that you need. Pop your headphones in while your toddler has a nap, or watch a quick topic while you have a coffee break.

Still not sure? Here’s a sneak peek:

To access more of this video, and many more topics,

sign up now for the Mars Clinic Online Toilet Training Program.

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